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Various Experience in Edelweiss
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Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park offers experience for sheep / cheese fondue / ecological wetland / Swiss village production. Look around the Swiss village and enjoy various experiences. You can apply for all experiences on the site on the day.

Sheep Feeding Experience ¾ç ¸ÔÀÌ Ã¼Çè

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It's an experience where you can feed cute sheep. There is a rabbit and chicken farm next to the ranch, so you can have a good time while feeding them together.

Swiss Cheese Fondue Experience
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Try the cheese fondue, Switzerland's most traditional food. You can experience fondue, where you can feel the traditional Swiss way with cheese from Switzerland.

Swiss Village Making Experince
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Create your own Swiss town at the Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park.

Terrarium Experience Å׶󸮿ò üÇè

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Meet the Terrarium experience where you can grow plants in a glass bottle to create your own small mini garden.