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At the Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park, three Yodler teams cross each other every Saturday and Sunday. Please refer to the performance schedule below for details.

What is Yodel

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Yodel Song is a song from the Swiss Alps that has been handed down since the Middle Ages. What shepherds used to send signals to distant people developed into today's yodel song. Meet the traditional Swiss music performance at the Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park.

In Heidi Forest Performance Hall

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The yodel song performance will be held at Heidi Forest Concert Hall.

[ Yodel Song Performance Schedule ]
Schedule : 2 performances every Saturday and Sunday
Venue : Forest Theater
Time : 1 time-pm12:30 ~pm1:00 (30-minute performance)
Time : 2nd time-pm1:30 ~ pm2:00 (30 minutes performance)
* In case of rain, it may be canceled.