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European Village in Fairy Tales with Various Museums

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Edelweiss Square ¿¡µ¨¹ÙÀ̽º ±¤Àå

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It is a representative photo zone where you can wear a bear mask, the mascot of Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park, and take a picture of your life while sitting on a small sculpture.

Wine Museum ¿ÍÀÎ ¹ÂÁö¾ö

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The process of producing wine and special wine that great people like It is on display and operates a grape farm in the yard

Cuckoo Clock Museum »µ²Ù±â ½Ã°è ¹ÂÁö¾ö

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You can see a variety of cuckoo watches carefully made by Swiss craftsmen

Christmas Message Museum Å©¸®½º¸¶½º ¸Þ¼¼Áö ¹ÂÁö¾ö

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Leave a message to your loved ones or to yourself at the 365-day Christmas museum. It is a long tradition of the Edelweiss Swiss theme park, so please feel the excitement of r eading the messages left by visitors.

Heidei Library ÇÏÀ̵𠵵¼­°ü

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It is a library where you can read fairy tale Alps girl Heidi books by country and age.

Bern bear º£¸¥ º£¾î°ü

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Bern bear Museum Bear is the symbolic icon of the Switzerland capital city. Take a photo with the big bear!